Finding a Voicemail to Text Service
Written on 6:27 AM by Shiv Prasad
Finally though, they have come up with something that is not only useful for the business world, but it is useful for everyone: the new voicemail to text service will take your voicemail messages, transcribe them into text, and send them to your cell phone, your personal email, or the text inbox provided by whatever company with which you choose to subscribe. And at a time when everyone is all about mobile phones, the voicemail to text service can be used with your land lines as well. In fact, if you like, you can have this service on your cell phone, home phone, and work phone; some companies even provide ways to let you sync all your phones up together.
The new voicemail to text service is getting more and more popular, helping out everyone from college students (who do not have time to eat anything but Ramen, much less listen to a five minute voicemail that contains awkward pauses, hesitations and nonsense rambling) to the average business go getter. Voicemail to text service providers are booming, companies on web sites are offering this transcribing service for very affordable rates, and you are still able to use your regular phone number. We have all gotten those long voicemail messages from a friend, family member, or work colleage that seem to drag on forever.
Most companies which offer the voicemail to text service transcribe all your voicemails and send them to you as text messages or emails. CallWave makes you forward your calls to a unique phone number supplied by them. However, providers like VoiceBox and PhoneTag do not require you to change your number at all, and the functionality of your current voicemail system will remain exactly the same - you simply will not necessarily need to use it; that will be your choice. In any case, your voicemails are processed by an automated speech recognition engine and sent to you in about four or five minutes on India SEO Company.
The new voicemail to text service is getting more and more popular, helping out everyone from college students (who do not have time to eat anything but Ramen, much less listen to a five minute voicemail that contains awkward pauses, hesitations and nonsense rambling) to the average business go getter. Voicemail to text service providers are booming, companies on web sites are offering this transcribing service for very affordable rates, and you are still able to use your regular phone number. We have all gotten those long voicemail messages from a friend, family member, or work colleage that seem to drag on forever.
Most companies which offer the voicemail to text service transcribe all your voicemails and send them to you as text messages or emails. CallWave makes you forward your calls to a unique phone number supplied by them. However, providers like VoiceBox and PhoneTag do not require you to change your number at all, and the functionality of your current voicemail system will remain exactly the same - you simply will not necessarily need to use it; that will be your choice. In any case, your voicemails are processed by an automated speech recognition engine and sent to you in about four or five minutes on India SEO Company.